Friday, May 16, 2014

Abu Dhabi OPEC and the Clean Energy Invention

Do you really want to contribute to the elimination of Climate Change / Global Warming ?

 I am speaking of a SINGULAR Solution, not one of the so-called "plural solutions" that will never work as a comprehensive solution. The reason that plural (numerous) "solutions" have been promoted is because there are so many people, businesses, government agencies, etc. that want to make money from the "green economy", be on the gravy train with a government grant., etc....very few people are actually interested in the environment if there is nothing in it for them.

 We need to make my Clean Energy Solution (invention) become a reality. It can be manufactured and available for global use in less than 3 years. It can eliminate the need for Middle East oil. I am trying to hold out as long as possible to NOT sell the rights to a country that is already producing mass quantities of oil. Do you want to turn over the invention that can eliminate Climate Change to OPEC countries ?

 If OPEC buys my invention, that would be the last time that you ever heard of it...Do you want any of these countries to have control of this invention ?

  Algeria  Angola  Ecuador  Iran  Iraq  Kuwait  Libya   Nigeria  Qatar  Saudi  Arabia  United Arab Emirates  Venezuela

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Abu Dhabi Oil, and OPEC Could Be Useless Soon | With My Invention

Force 1 USA Climate Change Solution-Invention
Notice: I have closed the following sites; Climate-Change-World Do NOT use DonPentecost for email. My email is or; ( I have over 100 blogs and social media sites so it shouldn't be difficult to find information about my Climate Change Single Solution- Invention For Sale As of January 1, 2017 the price tag is $ 36 Billion (Net)

The Invention of the Century is available NOW !

 Everyone is TALKING about Climate Change, Global Warming and the environment, but this is THE Solution. 
It's time to lay down your political and financial agendas and fund this invention. 
If the U.S. Government or American private investors do not fund this invention, then there is a very strong probability that Middle East oil interests (OPEC) will purchase it, just to make sure that it never is available for actual use.
It is the Invention of the Century and it involves
the ONE and ONLY (singleSolution for Clean Energy.

My invention can eliminate 100%  of Middle East oil imports.
There is a very strong chance that OPEC will purchase the rights
to my invention before it is implemented in the United States.

If anyone is actually interested in solving environmental issues
or controlling the mega-profits from oil and gasoline, they might
want to take pro-active financial action.

The price tag for my invention is $36 Billion (after taxes).
Considering the amount of money that the United States spends
on gasoline per year (not to mention the air pollution), this is actually
a very small fee.
Don Pentecost 

I emailed over 100 employees at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and told them that I had the ONE and ONLY SOLUTION for Clean Energy (which is my personal invention), you would think that with all the “talk” that the government doesabout climate change (formerly global warming), that they would be extremely interested to take the 2 minutes it takes to return an email ???…but, it’s not any surprise when you know that the LAST THING in the world that the government, the U.N., etc. wants is an actually SOLUTION. The POLITICAL POWER and the TRILLIONS of dollars will only happen if the scam is perpetuated, not if a true solution is discovered. As long as there are solution(S), (PLURAL), and THEY control these “solutions” (along with big business), then it is O.K……if a nobody u.s. tax payer comes along with a SOLUTION, then the whole environmental world is SILENT…At first, my invention could be purchased for $89 Million (total), and be on the market in less than 2 years. As the people at the top of the u.s. government and the U.N. started talking about TRILLIONS invested in “climate change”, my invention cost was also “adjusted” for the insanity.

Friday, May 2, 2014

This Is The ONE and ONLY Solution For Climate Change

Force 1 USA Climate Change Solution-Invention
Notice: I have closed the following sites; Climate-Change-World Do NOT use DonPentecost for email. My email is or; ( I have over 100 blogs and social media sites so it shouldn't be difficult to find information about my Climate Change Single Solution- Invention For Sale As of January 1, 2017 the price tag is $ 36 Billion (Net)